The Science behind Traditional Indian Greeting style

¨Namaste¨(the Indian style of greeting) has become much popular in the coronavirus pandemic. So popular that even Donald Trump has acknowledged and appreciated it. But what`s the science behind it? Why do we touch the feet of our elders? Again, what is the science behind it? If you also have these questions then you have come to the correct page! 

Namaste or Namaskar is a traditional way of greeting. The person joins both their palms, closes their eyes, and bows down, to greet and say ¨Namaste¨. This gesture marks respect, reverence, and love for the person we greet. In yoga, this gesture is called ¨Anjali Mudra.¨ It is a well-known fact that the tips of the fingers are major energy points. When we bring together the palms of our fingers linking the tips of our fingers, then the nerve circuits of our brain are linked to the upper body. A feeling of calmness is immediately generated. Also when the fingertips are joined together, these are the points that are connected to our eyes, ears, and mind; hence increasing their health condition and helping us to remember the person we are greeting for a long time. Another reason is that when we join our palms together it connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain instantly enhances gratitude. Also, it is more hygienic and hence, was practiced as well as promoted in times of pandemic.

Another common ritual is to bend and touch the feet of our elders. This is another traditional way of greeting. When we touch the feet of our elders it indicates that we are surrendering our ego at their feet. This gives rise to karuna or compassion within them. As we touch their feet this energy is passed on to us. Hence, it also creates an instant linking between two minds and hearts. The nerves from the brain are spread out throughout the body and when we touch another person it forms a circuit, thus, transmitting energy from one person to another. We become the receiver of energy and the other person is the giver of energy. To add on, bowing down and touching the feet increases blood circulation which is good for health.


To conclude, Indian traditional ways of greeting such as doing ¨Namaste¨ or touching elders' feet have deep scientific reasoning. It is not old-fashioned or uncool as perceived by a lot of youngsters.  Often it is told that ¨Don't ask why!¨ when it comes to traditions and beliefs but to respect our culture and improve our lifestyles we need to ask why! We need to preserve our culture and traditions. 


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  1. Seems intriguing! Because of the pandemic, we're famous haha!

  2. I have realized how significant is our cultue, good work

  3. Keep it up, explained effectively as well as in detailed.


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